The Messy Details About Postpartum and How to Support Yourself Holistically.

The Messy Details About Postpartum and How to Support Yourself Holistically.

The number one most common theme I hear in connecting with new mothers is how hard the postpartum period is. Most women are so hyper-focused on their pregnancy, the birth, or what their baby will need when he or she arrives, that they don't truly prepare for postpartum. Like birth, each experience is so unique. Nothing can fully prepare you, even if you put in the effort. The experience is a total mystery until we arrive. Although we may not know the details of what our situation might look like in the postpartum period, we do have the ability to support ourselves in body, mind, and spirit, regardless of our situation and in the face of the unknown. We’ll get to that later… First, let's walk through some of the most common issues I hear about in my community as a Perinatal Chiropractor and as a fellow mother.

HORMONES + MOOD: Your body experiences the biggest hormonal drop it ever will after you give birth. This shift can create mood fluctuations, unexplained crying, baby blues, or even depression. Fun fact: these hormonal changes can also make you smell pretty bad!

SLEEP DEPRIVATION: Being so tired. This has a huge impact on your mood and energy to care for yourself and your baby.

RELATIONSHIP STRUGGLES: Everyone is tired, and there is a new human in the relationship. Roles and responsibilities can be difficult to navigate. Partnerships can be massively challenged, and there may be shifts in intimacy.

FEAR, ANXIETY + STRESS: Intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, or feeling like you’re not a good mother because of the choices you make (due to judgment from society or even well-intentioned family and friends), and fear that something might happen to you or your baby can really cloud your mind during this time.

TRAUMA: From birth, often in the hospital, from being coerced into unwanted interventions, being told that your body isn’t working properly, moving fast enough, or being warned that your baby is in danger if you don’t do X, Y, or Z.

PHYSICAL HEALING: New moms have a dinner plate-sized open wound in their uterus, potential tears in the vagina, cesarean scars, nipple cracks, dryness, or bleeding from breastfeeding challenges. Not feeling beautiful or even recognizable in your new body. Dehydration from forgetting to drink enough water in the thick of it all.

DEPLETION: Feeling totally “spent” and low energy due to the physical, mental, and emotional demands of being a new mom. The inability to properly nourish yourself with high-quality, nutrient-dense meals because it’s hard to do anything for yourself postpartum… and sometimes you get ravenous at the drop of a hat, reaching for quick, non-nourishing options.

These are by no means everything, but they are MAJOR things.

So, how do we support ourselves in the unknown or in the face of these challenges?

Regardless of our situation, the fundamentals of shifting into a more manageable, and (hopefully) positive situation are the same. We do this by taking care of the things we can control—by doing things that support our body, mind, and spirit. It’s easier than it sounds.

Without getting into the science and nitty-gritty details of why these recommendations work, here are some things you can do for your health and well-being to feel good postpartum. Most are free, all are easy, quick, and effective, and they make an immediate difference.

Here they are:

DEEP BREATHING: When the feeling of overwhelm is strong, stop and force yourself to take a slow, deep belly breath through your nose. As you exhale slowly through your nose, make a humming sound to downregulate your nervous system. Extra points for using the MAMALA Sacred Rose Water or EARTH Lotion from the New Mama Box as you do this to dramatically enhance the effects.

MOVEMENT: Hip circles, shaking your body out, walking, cat-cow movements. Moving the energy through and out. Movement is medicine.

GROUNDING: Spend 10 minutes on the earth with bare feet. Fresh air and sunshine are added health bonuses.

TAKING MUSHROOMS: Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, Maitake… the list goes on! Our favorite blend is the warm Mushroom Chocolate Elixir found in the New Mama Box. This specific blend contains mushrooms that can reduce stress and fatigue, promote better sleep, enhance energy and stamina, boost brain function, calm the nervous system, and aid digestion. Plus, a warm, creamy, chocolatey beverage is just yummy and feels decadent. Not to mention, cacao is a heart opener and elevates the mood. Drinking it from the MAMALA Lidded Ceramic Mug adds an additional element of grounding, heat retention, and the lid prevents spills while you’ve got your hands full.

Even simple things like putting on a cozy robe, moisturizing your face, and applying lip balm can do wonders for the soul.

Additionally, phone a friend, ask for help (people want to help!!), hire support if you can, practice gratitude, say affirmations. Buy the MAMALA New Mama Box—a love-filled box to support mama's body, mind, and spirit…

Thanks for tuning in.


Much LOVE,

Dr. Kristyn Silver, D.C.
Chiropractor for women, moms + babies



****Disclaimer: While these recommendations are shared with love and care, always trust your intuition and listen to your body when choosing any food, supplement, or medication. It’s important to consult with your trusted healers or healthcare providers to ensure what’s best for your unique journey. The information provided here is for inspiration and is not intended as medical advice.



Created by mamas + sister-in-loves Kristyn Silver + Allison Roberts. We are holistically-minded moms interested in dramatically improving the lives of other mamas by sharing our wisdom, love, and all our favorite tried and true goodies to make the journey a little sweeter and smoother. You can read our full story here: About Us.

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